My research centers around compensation practices, performance evaluation, and the role of managers' traits in decision-making. I study these phenomena in for-profit and not-for-profit settings. For example, in my most recent research, I investigate how clawback compensation schemes affect cooperation among top managers. My research has been published in academic journals such as the European Accounting Review, Management Accounting Research, Public Management Review, and the Journal of Business Ethics. The findings have frequently been featured in the public press, including Barron’s, Le Temps, and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Please find more about my research in a Viadrina podcast (in German): Part1 & Part2.
I teach cost accounting, management control, experimental methods, and business ethics courses in undergraduate and graduate programs.
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, collecting vintage watches, and playing tennis.
My Research
Selected Working Papers
From Victims to Perpetrators: Unraveling the Ripple Effect of Dishonest Reporting in Organizational Budgeting (with Tim Schwertner and Miriam Maske). Presented at ACMAR 2024, EAA 2024, New Directions in Management Accounting Conference 2025.
Narcissism in the Boardroom: Communal and Antagonistic Motives in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reporting Manipulation (with Eric N Johnson). Presented at Freie Universität Berlin 2024, Technische Universität Dresden 2025.
Selected Publications
For a complete list of publications, see my Google Scholar or ORCiD accounts.
Earnings Management and the Role of Moral Values in Investing (with Rajna Gibson Brandon, Carmen Tanner and Alexander F. Wagner)
- European Accounting Review, 2023. (link)
Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? The Joint Effects of Manager and Subordinate Narcissism on Performance Evaluation (with Miriam Maske)
- European Accounting Review, 2023. (link)
How corporate charitable giving reduces the costs of formal controls (with Bernhard Reichert)
- Journal of Business Ethics, 2022. (link)
Negative media reporting and its effects on performance information use in public spending (with David Lindermüller and Bernhard Hirsch)
- Public Management Review, 2022. (link)
How managerial accountability mitigates a halo effect in managers’ ex-post bonus adjustments (with Miriam Maske and Bernhard Hirsch)
- Management Accounting Research, 2021. (link)
The impact of clawback provisions on information processing and investment behavior (with Bernhard Hirsch and Bernhard Reichert)
- Management Accounting Research, 2017. (link)
Selected Contributions in the Public Press
Narzissten haben nützliche und gefährliche Seiten. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 11.07.2022 (link)
What kind of person can resist corruption? Psychology Today, 15.03.2022 (link)
Investing in managerial honesty. VoxEU and The World Economic Forum, 05.11.2018 (link)
Honesty’s the Best Policy? Yes, Investors Say. Barron’s, 24.11.2017 (link)
L’intégrité morale peut répondre aux attentes des investisseurs. Le Temps, 12.10.2017 (link)
Research Grants
CERESSEC grant €4500 “ESG Metrics in Managerial Incentives: Manipulation Risks and Whistleblowing Responses” (with Stefan Linder and Miriam Maske) in 2025.
CERESSEC grant €4600 “Who is corrupt? Experimental research on petty corruption in an auditing setting” (with Stefan Linder and Carmen Tanner) in 2018.
My Teaching
I teach cost accounting, management control, business ethics, and experimental methods in B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. programs. I have taught at institutions such as European University Viadrina, ESCP Berlin, Zeppelin University, and UniBW Munich.
Exemplary courses taught:
- An Introduction to Business Ethics and Sustainability Management (B.Sc.)
- Cost Accounting (B.Sc.)
- Management Control (M.Sc.)
- Experimental Methods in Business Research (PhD)